Bức tranh “Đám cưới chuột” có bao nhiêu con chuột?

Miêu tả
English: “Lao Thu Thu Tan: Old Rat Taking a Bride”, a woodblock print, produced by artisans from the village of Dong Ho in North Vietnam. Such prints are tradtionally produced for new year celebrations, and have been emulated in a painting of at least one artist (Hien Pham; http://members.aol.com/hphm1/pntings.htm). Note also interesting similarity to an 18th century Russian woodcut, Image:Mice-burying-the-cat.jpg
Русский: Крысиная свадьба. Вьетнамская традиционная гравюра. Интересное сходство композиции с русским лубком XVIII в, Image:Mice-burying-the-cat.jpg!
Ngày tạo ra
Nguồn gốc http://www.booksite.ru/fulltext/1/001/008/071/524.htm
Tác giả Unknown artisan from the village of Dong Ho.
Phiên bản khác
Same picture, different scan: Dong-ho-rat-wedding.jpg
Another rat procession, now with a dragon: Chuột rước đèn.JPG